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Silica sand for glass


Silica sand was used is Egypt to produce glass 1500 B C In Egypt there are two main locations of high quality silica sand 1st, Zafrana – red sea and the 2nd, north and south Sinai ,The reserves in Zafrana area and Sinai are over thousands million ton of high quality silica sand .Our quality silica sand produced consistently and cost-effectively, meets customer requirementsin the following applications:


Our silica sand is processed to cover any of these industries:

1-Containers (bottles and jars)

2-Flat glass / Float glass (windows, mirrors, sheets, vehicle glazing, etc.)

3-Lighting glass (light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, etc.)

4-Tableware (lead crystal, drinking glasses, etc.)

5-TV tubes and screens

6-Decorative glass

7-Others are available upon request


Packing :


1- Processed from Abu zenima quarries, Zafrana quarries and Sharqeya quarries.

2-Stored and exported in Bulk shipment from port ABOU ZNIEMA PORT

3-Vessel of 5000-25000 M tons Max can enter the port draft.

4-For orders of 1000 tons or less can be packed in big bags of 1250kg- 1375kg-1500kg.

5- Containers of 20 feet can be stuffed with 25- 27.5 tons


Order today:


Warning: The product contains crystalline silica - quartz, which can cause silicosis (an occupational lung disease) and lung cancer. For detailed information on the potential health effect of crystalline silica - quartz, see our MSDS.

Disclaimer: The information set forth in this Product Data Sheet represents typical properties of the product described; the information and the typical values are not specification. EL HASHEM FOR MINERALS & QUARRIES MATERIALS . makes no representation or warranty concerning the Products, expressed or implied, by the Product Data Sheet.



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